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Book Publishing Process - Writing


Book Publishing in Australia has never been this good. Ocean Reeve Publishing has worked tirelessly to establish the most professional and comprehensive book publishing and marketing process that will enable you to take your published book to brand new heights.


Unlike other companies that operate with a pay-to-publish approach, we have dedicated ourselves to ensuring our authors have the strategy and opportunity to recover their investment and make an impact. We offer professional services in writing mentoring, the complete book publishing process, early foundation building for authors, pre-sale campaigns, complete and comprehensive book marketing mentoring ensuring that our authors have goals and targets with tangible strategies to ensure ROI, book printing options that cover any and all needs, eBook development and distribution, audiobook creation and distribution, general book distribution and promotion to libraries and booksellers, culminating to the final step in the book publishing journey - international literary agency representation. Whew! That’s a lot! Why? Because it covers everything within the book publishing journey to achieve success. Like we said, book publishing in Australia has never been this good.


We highlight the book publishing process simply through this 40-second video.

Book Publishing in Australia - Writing


Sounds simple right? The decision to write a book is almost the equivalent to deciding to have kids. Those same trials and tribulations, aches and pains, doubts and reservations, are almost mirrored in the writing journey as they are in becoming a parent.


Like most new ventures, we tend to come up with a million and one reasons why we shouldn’t do it but it is the moment we say ‘yes’ when the exhilaration, joy, and fulfilment really kicks in. It’s not until you express yourself creatively you will realise the incredible and countless ways that writing and publishing a book can improve your life and business. You may very likely join the millions before you and say ‘I should’ve explored book publishing sooner.’ 


Before you start talking yourself out of that creative outburst of wonder, let’s take a quick look at the reasons why you should start writing now. Yes, now! Not later, not next year. Now! By procrastinating we open up the ease of talking us out of the best things in life. So our goal is to help inspire you to write that story and here’s why;


  • The first and most obvious reason is that you are creative. Yes, without doubt, you are creative. Everyone is. It’s just that the creative expression we had freely running through us as children becomes educated out of us and we become part of that mob mentality to fill a quota. Writing is cathartic, inspiring, exhilarating, and fulfilling. We all have a story, insight or education we can share. For some of us, it’s more than one. The simple truth is that to become a writer, you just need to write. To become an author, we need to publish. To create a successful book, we need to promote it, market and work with people that can support our vision and dream.  


  • Another profound reason is the natural, introspective process that is writing, helps us grow. For some, it helps discover our purpose or reinvent our ‘why’. Through the writing process, we gain perspective of our true passion and why it matters so much to us. It helps us connect deeper with our values and motivations which is incredible assistance to our own personal growth. Writing is also a learning experience. No matter what genre you’re writing about, you’re most likely going to research during the process. This opens you up to new ideas and new ways of thinking. You’ll be energised by the lifetime learning component in writing, and will resurface as a published author with even more new education and lessons to share. From that, many doors can open for you in speaking, interviews and other professional opportunities.


  • The next exciting development in this space of book publishing is the evolution of the industry. Many years ago, the only option in front of us to publish was to shoot for the stars and pitch to a traditional publisher or spend huge amounts of money to walk the vanity publishing road. Self-publishing developed and opened up a huge world of opportunity for potential writers to publish. However, with the market swamped by so many self-publishing companies, there became a horde of organisations and individuals who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, act morally and avoid taking advantage of vulnerable creatives looking to share their story. Yes, corruption exists in the publishing industry. Merged with the fact that many of these self-publishers bring no professional education or training to the table, there is also no marketing support offered by self-publishers. We must add at this point that not all self-publishing houses in Australia or worldwide are unethical but like many industries, a bad apple…well, you know the rest. This is where Assisted Independent Book Publishing comes in. Working with a team of well-trained, professionals to bring your writing to a top standard, publish within the industry expectations and market creatively with pride is now affordable and easy to implement. 


  • Bottom line, book publishing costs time, money, resources, and people. Time we can structure. People we can all on. Resources needed tend to be already available. However, if there is no ROI (return on investment) in writing and publishing, we have to look at why we are doing it. At very least, we should aim to make our investment back. Only once you commit those ideas flowing around inside you to paper, and then publish, can you earn income from assisted independent book publishing. Your published book can earn you a stream of passive income simply by being published. Next, we 10X the idea and see what else we can develop from the book that can also generate income such as audiobooks, online courses, speaking engagements, and this is just the beginning.  


  • Remarkably, only a tiny percentage of the population will ever publish a book. So whilst it seems the book market is swamped, in fact, it’s not. It is just popular. By writing and then publishing you will fit in and stand out. Fit into the creative community and stand out as a unique creative who has published a unique book. Regardless of genre, the fact you are then an author presents a level of authority and credibility towards your professional career, and it matters.


  • Freddy Mercury said it best…’Who Wants To Live Forever?’ We can’t decide how long we will be here but we can decide on how well we will live while we are here. By expressing ourselves creatively, authentically, with no barriers or social expectations, we can truly own who we are and our why in life. Through writing we expose elements of ourselves we never thought we would and then by publishing that work, we can then offer it to our community for consumption, feedback, enjoyment, education, the list goes on. Long after we are gone, those publications will still be here and still be making an impact. So by writing, we establish our legacy, and it is here to stay.


  • Another reason as to why you should write is simply…why not? Life in this 21st Century has so many expectations of us – kids, work, tax, bills, health, politics, security, equality, status, wellbeing – and let’s be honest, it’s monotonous, boring and often frustrating. Whilst certain elements of these do give us fulfilment it is also shared with anguish and even pain. We tend to create a bubble around ourselves to protect us from the doubt and anxiety they can often cause, and by doing that we are restricting our possibilities. Writing a book pops that bubble where we are taking action with something unfamiliar and yes, it can be scary—we get it. But, that’s also why it’s exciting. The only way you grow as a person is by forcing yourself to leave your comfort zone. In the space of assisted independent book publishing, you are not alone in that venture. Along with the publishing team, you are supported in marketing, distribution and can even integrate a literary agent from this team to further enhance your opportunities and dream.

Book Publishing in Australia - Writing


So you are reading this for a reason. Perhaps you have been contemplating writing a book for a while. Perhaps something has happened in your world that you wish to share or educate others in. Perhaps you just have a crazy story to tell. No more excuses! You are here to truly take action, believe in your creative expression and legacy, commit to your dream and reach out to make it a reality.


There you have it! Any reason not to write? No? Maybe just one. You may not know where to start or how to structure your writing. All good, we can help you. We have specialists who, if you choose, can mentor you through the writing process regardless of whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction and whatever genre. The mentorship is structured through two face to face calls and a series of developmental critiques as you write so that you are supported through the process the entire time.


Firstly we set up a video call with you where we establish what you want to write and your vision for it. We discuss the outline, crafting your story and set timelines before you are set two tasks to complete.


Next, we review your work and set up a second video call where we discuss the homework and then develop your writing structure and style and guide you through a number of developmental skills so you can begin the writing process.


From there, you are tasked to complete chapters in batches of two which are then structurally critiqued. These critiques dig deeper into your writing to ensure the fluidity, sentencing, and flow of the manuscript is enticing, logical and connects with the reader. We continue this process until the end of the manuscript when once approved, you then self-edit to ensure you have delivered your message or story that you aimed to deliver. If you would like to inquire about the writing mentorship program, please click below and you will be taking to a page where you the process and costs are unpacked further and you can submit your interest. From there one of the team will give you a call to discuss.


Once you have been through the writing mentorship and we have a completed manuscript you are happy with, the next step is to have an independent appraisal conducted on the manuscript to ensure we have the best possible product we can. To continue the journey of assisted independent book publishing in Australia and beyond, and find out more about the appraisal, click below.

Book Publishing in Australia
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