Book marketing for 2018 – the #1 tool!
It can’t be replaced, it offers the most value to us as creatives, it is essential to our marketing success. Any guesses?
I have said it before and I will say it again, 9/11 changed everything and for almost 20 years we have been on the search. Whether for greater meaning or purpose, to discover our ‘why’, to be innovative in our careers and fulfilled in our lives, we are searching. The bottom line is that the answer has been there all along – human connection. Not only does this fulfil the majority of our pursuits but it also is critical to our books success in this new era of book publishing and marketing.
To sell your book, you need to build your audience and following, which can only occur after focused time and effort. Last year I predicted one of the greatest trends in the industry would be further connection between indie authors and it was certainly the case. Through reviews, giveaways, post shares, book swaps, cross over interviews, webinars, etc… independent authors further established themselves as a powerful force. 2018 will see the human connection marketing efforts become even more predominant. I would go as far to say that authors in positions of influence will be more proactive in promoting others on the same journey, cross-promotions will continue and collaboration projects between authors and influencers will increase.
We are who we are due to the relationships we form in our lives and as authors we have to form profound and authentic relationships with both our readers and our fellow creatives. I see this as the most powerful tool in book marketing for 2018. Statistics have shown over 90% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of advertising which shows how critical word-of-mouth marketing remains to be. These can only occur when strong and genuine connections are made.
Paul J. Meyer said ‘Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.’ So if you haven’t already, join that local writers group or association, connect with your local writers centre, make new friends in authorship and build your network of influencers to further enhance your book marketing efforts.
Remember to take ACTION, exercise BELIEF in your creative vision and show COMMITMENT to the success of that vision. #becreative #beinspired #bepublished